
Athletic Optimization

Chiropractic & Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation located in Austin, TX

Athletic Optimization

Athletic optimization helps reduce the risk of injury and improves your performance on the court, track, or playing field. At Pinnacle Sports Performance and Rehabilitation, which has two locations in Austin, Texas, Ryan Anderson, DC, Logan Reiff, DC, and the team offer athletic optimization and performance training to student-athletes, weekend warriors, and other active people. Call the nearest Pinnacle Sports Performance and Rehabilitation office to schedule an athletic optimization consultation, or book your appointment online today. 

Athletic Optimization Q & A

I have an upcoming marathon. Can athletic optimization help?

Yes. Athletic optimization, or performance training, helps you prepare for a specific physical activity, like a game, match, or marathon. It uses patient education, physical training, and hands-on therapies (like chiropractic care) to help you build strength, endurance, and agility.  

The Pinnacle Sports Performance and Rehabilitation team has years of experience working with athletes of all ages and abilities. Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) plays an essential role in this process. It activates the areas of your brain responsible for head, leg, and arm movements, maximizing your performance.

I want to excel. Will athletic optimization improve my performance?

Excelling in any sport or physically demanding activity requires you to move your body efficiently. If you have tight muscles or stiff joints, you can’t perform to the best of your ability and are more likely to suffer injuries.

Athletic optimization helps you get the most out of your workouts. It teaches you important skills, including proper lifting techniques and fundamental running mechanics. 

Is athletic optimization like personal training?

Yes and no. At Pinnacle Sports Performance and Rehabilitation, no two athletic optimization treatment plans are exactly alike. The team makes personalized recommendations that align with your needs. They might suggest:

Strength training

Strength training helps you build muscle. It uses equipment like dumbbells, kettlebells, or resistance bands to maintain or increase strength and reduce the risk of injury.

Aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise gets your heart pumping. It uses activities like running, swimming, and cycling to improve your cardiovascular fitness and build endurance. 

Injury prevention 

People who play sports or work in physically demanding jobs are more likely to suffer musculoskeletal injuries, like sprains, strains, and dislocated joints. 

The Pinnacle Sports Performance and Rehabilitation team regularly educates patients on injury prevention, including how to warm up, cool down, and listen to your body. 

Post-workout recovery

Running, lifting weights, and playing sports take a toll on your body. After a game or competition, rest and rejuvenation are essential. 

The Pinnacle Sports Performance and Rehabilitation team offers various hands-on therapies to speed up the body’s natural healing process, including chiropractic, massage, and functional rehabilitation. 

What are the benefits of athletic optimization?

Athletic optimization at Pinnacle Sports Performance and Rehabilitation offers various benefits, including:

  • Increased power and endurance
  • Improved core strength
  • Better overall strength
  • Speed and agility
  • Flexibility

Call the nearest Pinnacle Sports Performance and Rehabilitation office to schedule a sports optimization visit, or book your appointment online today. 


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